Thursday, October 8, 2009

Yikes, I'm an Emotional Mess!

That's what I just heard Barbara Stanny and Adri Miller say on their Financial Call about women (I'll list the details for the call at the end of the post). Typically, that's what they say and I refuse to declare it for myself! Recently I have been reading and listening to everything I can get my hands on. One of my recent favorites is "Goal Digger" by Alicia Dunams. Goal Digger is her inspiring story and realization that she didn't have to just date millionaires, she could become a millionaire!

I've read everything under the sun (maybe not everything) and have finally come to this conclusion. There is money to be made-in fact millions! A close friend of mine is recording her journey to one million by 2011 and I'm purposing in my heart to join her. How? By focusing specifically on activities that are high Returns on Investment (ROI) and listening to what successful people have done.

Today I will:
1. Focus - Consistently focusing on events, relationships and business matters that directly correlate to my business
2. Change management - Recognizing where to grow and when to go
3. Filter - time to filter out those that are part of my target audience and relationships that are key to building alliances

What will you do today?

Listen to the replay with Barbara Stanny. Join me! the playback number; (218) 844-0952, Access Code: 852070#

SPARK, Inc. Financial Assistance Application

As we continue to survey single parents about their greatest challenge as a single parent, the #1 answer is finances. As we continue to teach simple strategies for financial success, we hope that we can be that organization that teaches AND assists you in your hope of achieving financial independence.

Simple Strategies for Single Parents

Teaching Single Parents How to Achieve Financial Success! Coming this summer to Atlanta!

Single Parent Assistance, Resources & Knowledge Donations

We are working to assist single parent families in Duval County with financial assistance based on NEED instead of income. What would help you this month with your finances? Some parents' have answered childcare, pay for extra-curricular activites, grocery or gas gift card, pay ortho bill, etc. Please consider a tax-deductible donation to assist us in this endeavor.

Join the 52 Week Financial Challenge!

Organization and Contributor Information

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Entrepreneur, Overcomer, Encourager and Champion of Hope.