Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Eat that Frog!

Finally, I'm "eating that frog!" He's been in my way for years and years even after I read "Eat that Frog!" by Brian Tracy read the book, listened to the CD and even did a presentation to a group of women I know, I still struggled to finish strong. This past week, my Pastor delivered a message about "Applied Diligence" and I realized that I was starting strong, following through and losing the momentum more than halfway along the way.

When I left that service, I purposed in my heart to apply diligence to every task in my life. There was too much low hanging fruit and starting a blog was one of them. I'm determined to finish stronger than I'm starting. How many of us procrastinate and set out to complete tasks, start tasks and then out of the "lack of time" fail to finish them? Well, in the past, I have been one of those people.

Earlier this week, a close friend and I exchanged our goals and I added "starting a blog" to my goal list. In order to achieve success, we must first define success. My favorite definition of success is by Brian Tracy "The ability to live my life the way I want, doing what I most enjoy, surrounded by people I love, admire and respect." I want to encourage, motivator and inspire others and the only way to do that is in the words of Nike-DO IT!

So, be prepared on this journey as I share my challenges and successes in hopes that you are motivated, encouraged and inspired to overcome all of the challenges in your life! The key? Always do your best and don't lose focus!

How do you define success?

SPARK, Inc. Financial Assistance Application

As we continue to survey single parents about their greatest challenge as a single parent, the #1 answer is finances. As we continue to teach simple strategies for financial success, we hope that we can be that organization that teaches AND assists you in your hope of achieving financial independence.

Simple Strategies for Single Parents

Teaching Single Parents How to Achieve Financial Success! Coming this summer to Atlanta!

Single Parent Assistance, Resources & Knowledge Donations

We are working to assist single parent families in Duval County with financial assistance based on NEED instead of income. What would help you this month with your finances? Some parents' have answered childcare, pay for extra-curricular activites, grocery or gas gift card, pay ortho bill, etc. Please consider a tax-deductible donation to assist us in this endeavor.

Join the 52 Week Financial Challenge!

Organization and Contributor Information

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Entrepreneur, Overcomer, Encourager and Champion of Hope.