I love reading the Book of Philippians in my Message Bible. There is an introduction to the book of Philippians and it describes Philippians as Paul's happiest letter. "Paul doesn't tell us that we can be happy, or how to be happy. He simply and unmistakbly is happy."-The Message
I am happy. None of my circumstances current contribute to my joy. In fact, earlier today, I spent an hour-and-a-half at my daughters' school because of an incident that started in our neighborhood. The incident went from an 11 and 12 year old child to an altercation between an 18 year old (adult) and my 13 year old daughter. Police have been called out to our home over the last several weeks.
My relationship has been up and down like a yo-yo. Most days I've felt like a complete NUT and the pressure has been on with my non-profit. Still, I'm HAPPY! Still, I'm excited about the new day each day. My present each day to unwrap and weave into what I want it to be.
Still, I have the joy within that makes others around me think that everything is okay even when inside I feel like screaming. What is it? I could easily say this joy I have is from Jesus- yet it's beyond me using just the principle and foundation of my Christian faith.
I believe that the best is always yet to come. I believe that life will get better. I believe that hiccups in life are just that-temporary and that the do go away. I believe that I am in control of my destiny. I believe that I create what I speak and speak what I create.
I believe in 365 days I will achieve my 1st million and I refuse to believe anything different. So often I've heard that "we" are our own worst enemy because the enemy is "in a me." You know what, I choose to be my biggest cheerleader and fan! I choose to be a friend to ME.
So, life is not all green eggs and ham. My life is not simple. I believe that I am special-in fact, I know it. I refuse to accept defeat or failure and instead I choose to be happy!
When the pressures of life weigh on your back, what do you choose to believe?