I'm seeing someone right now that I think is IN LOVE with Jay-Z! He watches him all the time, says his quotes, listens to all his music, interviews, etc. In fact, one day he was at my house watching Jay-Z's interview with Oprah while I was outside mowing the grass! (please do not comment).
So, If you don't know, I'm on this journey with three amazing women to make 1 million in 365. This may seem as though we're chasing the money and in reality-we're chasing our passions! We come from different paths, 1 woman is an Attorney, 1 woman a six-figure earner in Corporate America and me-I work for a billion dollar Corporation.
We're not selling MLM products, we don't even have home based products that we're selling, we are honing in on how to monetize our current projects. So, if you're brave enough to believe in yourself then join us! You are the author of your book.
This morning, the guy I'm seeing told me that "1 million is not a lot of money" and that according to Jay-Z, "You shouldn't plan to spend any of your 1st million." I politely informed him that he doesn't even know Jay-Z and that my goal was to acquire my FIRST million in 365.
So, I'm not a hater of Jay-Z and I decided to do my own research. I like his 6 Principles and I'll just be my own biggest fan!
6 Principles to Living your Best Life from Jay-Z
Be Your Own Biggest Fan…
“Believe in whatever it is you’re doing. If you don’t believe it, no one else will.”
Take Control, Then Let It Go…
“Work really hard and apply yourself in a way that when the job is done, you can look in the mirror and say, ‘I’ve exhausted all possibilities. I’ve done everything to make this right’. After that, let it go: It’s out of your control.”
Focus On The Process, Not The Result…..“People get consumed by the trappings of success. They forget the reason they wanted to do what they wanted to do in the first place. Whether you have zero money or a million dollars, it doesn’t change who you are. Keep yourself inspired.”
Never Act On Your Fears…
“Card players have a saying: ‘Play the cards, not the money’. If your hand is good, it doesn’t matter if there’s $2 on the table or $2,000. You determine your outcome. Don’t make decisions based on the fear. People can be jealous of you and bait you, but you can be mature and handle the situation.”
Use Money The Right Way…..
“For some people money can be a burden and lead to bad decisions. But money should make you comfortable so that you don’t have to compromise yourself or do anything just for money. It should give you the freedom to do what you love.”
Don’t Stop Growing…..“Growth doesn’t stop when you’ve become successful. That’s when it starts.”
Are you brave enough to believe that you could reach millionaire status in 1 year? If you're already there, how did you spend your 1st million?