Life has a way of surprising even the best of us. I have had a love/hate relationship with life for a long time. Most days have been bad and I've been SCREAMING inside. Yet, I've been still. I've been happy. I threw back all of the lemons life threw at me. I HATE LEMONS! I threw every last one back and refused defeat. I refused failure. I refused lack. I refused to allow others to continue to hurt me. I refused to continue to allow people to treat me like I was trash and didn't matter. I made the choice to make a choice to take ownership of my life. DAMMIT, my life is mine! I was predestined to succeed. I BELIEVE IT! My dreams are real. My hopes are real. My love is real. Whatever demons were sent to take me out FAILED!
I'm still here. Some days standing. Some days on my knees. Some days flat on the ground. Who cares? Life is what we decide to make of it. What we make it. IF you don't like your life, where it's at or where it's going CHANGE IT!
Yesterday I delivered a speech about my life and listened to it. We all have had issues, stories and challenges in life. Everyone has! So, recognize what season of life you're in and keep it moving. Stagnant water stinks.
One of my favorite quotes "Start it now, perfect it later."-Lisa Maria Carroll
Oh, and what am I in love with? LIFE! Are you creating a life that you can love?
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